She's TWO!!!!

Rebekah is 2! Life is just zooming on by! I remember feeling as big as a house 2 years ago. Ben and I dropped Cora off at vacation Bible school and then went shopping for some shoes for him. I was having contractions in the store but dismissed them as I had been having them for weeks now. I was 39 weeks that day. We got home, I decided I ought to sit down and drink some water so we could get on with our day. I quickly realized that any plans we had for that day were to be thrown out the window because the baby was coming! We got to the hospital parking lot at 2:00 p.m. and Rebekah was born at 4:06 p.m. Yep. She was ready, and she was coming whether we were or not! And, such has been our baby girl ever since.

Rebekah is our fearless child, our child with a HUGE personality. She has a mind of her own and even at this young age knows WHAT she wants, WHEN she wants it (now) and usually knows HOW to get it. She has been a challenge. We know God has something great in store for her because he has given her such strength. We pray all the time for the wisdom to know how to help her use her powers for good.

We have had her in the hospital and ER 3 times this past year, actually since January. She is not to be deterred, though and continues to live life with great zeal and passion. Her vocabulary is BURSTING, and we have pretty much lost count as to the number of words she is saying. She VERY plainly says "mommy!" and "daddy!" and she says "sissy" for Cora and "bubby" for Ben. She loves to do everything her sister and brother do, even if the rest of us think she's too little to do so (like jump from the chair to Cora's bed, catching her forehead on the bed frame and splitting her head the ER we went!).

She keeps us laughing as she LOVES to dance (and watch herself do so), loves to read, color, eat play with playdoh, give hugs and join in on whatever fun is happening around her. She is precious, a handful, but a precious handful.

Rebekah Lynn, we are blessed to have you in our family! I'm so excited to see how you grow, learn and develop this next year! We love you sweetheart!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


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