Inside Out

I mentioned last week that David and I have been on a journey of health.  Because of my different dietary issues/needs it's been hard to find something to help get us over the hump and get us moving. Most things have a lot of fillers, preservatives, or other ingredients that would just make life worse. We aren't interested in any meal supplements because we eat quite clean. We don't eat processed foods so we didn't want to do so to lose weight. We had resigned ourselves to do this the old-fashioned way. With really getting down to business with our eating (we do great at's snacking that we have the most issue) and just get out of the house and be active! We've been doing a lot better in this regard, thankfully. 

What we have come to learn/realize is that eating is just as much a drug as smoking or alcohol. It's our go-to when we're happy, sad, angry, stressed, whatever. And this is wrong. As Christians we need to be going to God for these things, not food. I do believe, strongly, that God created food for our nourishment as well as our enjoyment. However, seeing as how one of the fruits of the Spirit is self control, we need to eat in moderation. Yes, he created chocolate, and it's gooooooood, but eating a giant chocolate bar several times a week is not a God-honoring way to enjoy his creation. And, yes, I'm absolutely serious about this. This journey has been just as much about body health as it has been about our spiritual health. And so, we have to work through not just closing our mouth, but working on temptation. Working on the WHY we go to food and not God. Changing bad habits is just plain hard. 

We've also been doing a lot of learning about gut health. Did you know that most of our health issues can be traced back to our gut health? Yep, it can, even things like auto-immune diseases. If our bodies aren't getting the nutrients we need then it can't function properly. It means we aren't processing anything right, which pretty much leads to weight gain, as well as a host of other things. This has encouraged us to heal from the inside out. If our gut is working correctly then the rest of our body can too, and in turn we have more energy and hopefully the end result is losing weight and being healthier.  Not just LOOKING thiner, but also being HEALTHY on the inside. 

A few weeks ago, a childhood friend of mine introduced me to a product she's been taking. I was skeptical because I figured it was just another weight loss thing. However, this friend is not overweight so I was a bit more intrigued. This friend and her husband/kids eat like we do, use essential oils, do things naturally. All very much like us. I trusted her thoughts on this product because I knew she was coming from the same "camp" I'm in. We decided to buy a month's worth of the product for David and I to share, and wow! I'm so glad we have!!!!!

We did not buy this specifically to lose weight. We bought it and use it to get healthy from the inside out. We are currently detoxing a lot of yuck. But I am already seeing results and feeling better. David is seeing results too, although he seems to be a few days behind me in the process. It's been crazy. All the ingredients are natural, there aren't useless fillers in them, and I can use it all! I'm so excited about that. But, most of all, I'm excited about the ways that I'm already feeling better. I have been changing my mindset and not thinking about simply losing weight, but getting healthy. Health starts on the inside. Even our skin is affected by our gut health. 

I'll talk more about this in a later post. For now, I want you to think about your health and where you are in that journey. If this is something you would like help with, or want to talk to me about, please do! You can leave me a comment below, and I'll get in touch with you. No pressure. I'm not in this to make money. I simply want to be healthy. How about you? Do you want to be healthy too?


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