Update on Moi

mentioned last week there has been some wonkiness with my sleeping and health. After having an appointment with a sleep specialist we have a plan of action! The gist of my appointment is that I most likely (as in the doctor would be surprised if I didn't) have sleep apnea and he's guessing I also have narcolepsy. We totally expected the sleep apnea, the narcolepsy was a surprise. However, after talking with him extensively about it all we see his point.

I'll be doing an at-home sleep study next week for 2 nights. This will determine the sleep apnea, which the doctor figures I'll "show in spades." The idea is that being in your own bed for 2 nights a person is more relaxed, the results are probably more accurate. If this test does show sleep apnea then the office will loan me an automated CPAP machine to use until we can determine if narcolepsy is also a factor.

In October I'll have an extensive sleep study (almost 24 hrs) at the sleep clinic. There I'll be hooked up to all sorts of things and will need to sleep. After I'm observed all night I'll get up and then take naps the rest of the day. The napping is to see how quickly I fall asleep, do I enter REM sleep, how long to I sleep, etc. Depending on these results will determine the narcolepsy. If narcolepsy is indeed there then I will be treated with medication.

So, we're not done yet, but we're at least on a path to figuring it all out. We praying that God will make it all very clear to the doctor and that we'll have peace with the results and treatments necessary. Neither sleep apnea or narcolepsy are curable, however they are very treatable.

And, that is me, in a nutshell, for now.


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