A Comedy of Errors...or something...

We are participating in our 3rd year of swim lessons at our community pool. Our small town has a great outdoor pool, they employ high school and college aged kids to life-guard and teach the lessons. They do a fantastic job. You can start enrolling your child at the age of 1, and then there's a swim team for the kids who are good swimmers and need a bit more challenge. Our kids LOVE it!!!! They get (2) 3-week sessions during the summer and we pay less then $100 for ALL 3 KIDS for the entire 6 wks. We really can't say enough good about it all. Plus, we get to swim during the week and weekend as a family to help their swimming skills. Since the pool is about 1/4 of a mile from our house it's an easy way for us to stay active during the summer.

Yesterday was the first day, and as with most things that only occur 1x a year, there were some bumps along the way. One of which was confusion as to when the Tiny Tots (Bekah's class) would be meeting. I was told to take her at 10 with the other 2, and she would have her lessons then unless I was called to tell me otherwise. I was not called, so I got the 3 kids suited up and off we went! We were early, because let's be honest, that's how we roll. I realized almost immediately that the TT class was NOT going to be meeting at 10 with everyone else. I had one very unhappy almost-2 year old on my hands. Wow. She was MAD!!!!!!!!

We got it all figured out for tomorrow, and the rest of the summer, but today was a doozy! Though the kids have their lessons for "only" 40 min, that's a looooooooong time when trying to keep your 2 year old from running away to jump in the pool, or climb the many stairs to go down the big slide. In her anger she fell on the concrete and scraped her knee all up. Did you know that swim diapers AREN'T actually good at holding in pee? They're not. My shorts were soaked and then my shirt due to her swim diaper fail. Oh, it was a so much fun. I got my phone out to see what time it was and discovered I somehow had bubbles in the diaper bag. YEAH! They were GREAT fun...for about 2 min when she decided it was way more fun to just dump the bubbles out. Sigh...

We made it through, the other 2 had a blast, and tomorrow all 3 will have a great time when they can ALL participate! Lesson learned. Next summer I'll be calling the day before to be sure of times, etc. Are your kids in swim lessons? What fun stories do you have?


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