Going Underground

At the beginning of summer David and I wrote down a bucket list of things to do/see this summer. We didn't want to waste the summer doing nothing. Plus, the kids have all hit a great age in which we don't need a stroller any longer, we almost don't need diapers/pull-ups, and they're all (mostly) old enough to remember and appreciate what we're doing! AND, we're in a new state with LOTS of places to explore. We were told about a cave not far from us and so embarked on our journey!

It was a HOT and HUMID day the day we went. We almost didn't go because it was so hot, but we figured we'd be underground so it wouldn't be as bad, plus we really needed to get out of the house. I'm so glad we chose to go. The kids LOVED it!!!!! Ben especially thought it was so much fun and still talks about it!

We went, paid an arm and a leg (ahem) and went below earth for a fun adventure. Our guide was a young college student who did a great job talking about the cave, involving the audience, etc. It was also wonderfully cool in the cave, which gave us a really nice break from the heat!

The kids loved it, they had lots of fun, and it'll be a place we return. Ben has plans to have his next birthday party at the cave--I guess we'll see what we can do...


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