Time and Chocolate

I was having a discussion with my good friend about being on time. She said, "You are about my only friend who is always on time, or early. I just don't understand how you do that!" And, I gave her my ways, the things we do in our family to be on time. It was perplexing to me to think this was even something unfathomable to another person. I mean, it's just not hard. To me, anyway.

That night I was thinking about it and realized she does something that I find unfathomable. She, and most of my other friends, can eat 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate, or 1 brownie (or a bite of brownie) and be fully satisfied. I. Can. Not. Do. This. I do not understand how a person does this! How can't your chocolate craving be satisfied until the bag of Hershey Kisses is gone, or the XL candy bar is devoured, or the pan of brownies is eaten? I do not understand. And, because of this not understanding, I am over 200 lbs and find myself needing to lose weight.

I think this is why God gives us the different friends we have. We need to help each other grow and change in the areas where we are strong. We need to be their strength where they're weak. I need my friends to show me that the way I approach chocolate is not normal. And so, I'm changing. I refuse to say "I'm trying to change." Nope. I'm going to DO it!!! I refuse to stay this way any longer. I must change. What does that mean? Well, right now, I'm doing a specific weight loss program where I'm eating pre-made meals. I'm being very strict and staying within the parameters of the diet. I have to otherwise I won't change. Isn't that the definition of insanity--doing the same thing over and over expecting different results?

What do you  need to change in your life? Maybe food isn't something you struggle with (I'm glad for you!), but maybe you struggle with being on time. What are some steps you can take to be on time? I mean, all bad habits are NOT formed overnight, therefore they will not be solved overnight. But, 1 step at a time we can do it.

I'm reminded of the movie, "What About Bob?" with Bill Murray. I LOVE this movie. Bob is a psychiatric patient who sees his psychiatrist often. In fact, he's been through a whole slew of them. This particular doctor has written a book called Baby Steps and gives it to Bob as a last ditch effort to help the man (and, yes, there's a ton of great humor in this movie...). Bob takes it literally. He has a ton of phobias--elevators, touching doorknobs, being in crowds, etc--and takes literal baby steps to get everything done. By the end of the movie Bob doesn't have to take baby steps any longer. He's conquered his fears and is able to be "normal!"

I feel this way with removing bad habits from my life. Baby steps. Instead of removing all sugar and chocolate out of my diet, I'm eating it within the rules of my diet. I'm seeing just how often I've been turning to food for things that are happy, sad, depressing, joyous, etc. This isn't how God has asked us to live our lives! We're supposed to go to HIM for everything!

What will your first baby step be? What direction do you need to take that baby step? Do it today. Stop waiting! Move on and get busy living the life God has for you!


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