1st Day of Preschool

Last week marked the first day of preschool for Ben! How is it we have TWO children in school now?????? He is attending the same co-op nursery school that Cora did when she was 4. It's nice to be a returning parent! We know the ropes, we know what's expected, etc. It's nice not to be new. This year I have also decided to join the co-op board, so I'm  in charge of membership. Eek! I hope I'm able to get enough kids ready for next year!!!

ANYWAY! Ben LOVES preschool! He is so excited to get to do something without his sisters ("Peeeeeschool only for MEEEEEEEE?), and he gets to spread his wings a bit and make some of his own friends. We love this preschool because you can't find ONE screen in the school. The kids learn through play, play and more play. They do have a craft time, which is used for learning the letter of the week, and they take time to do the weather, date, etc. But, the majority of the morning is spent in play. The teachers are GREAT and well, Ben is in a really great place!

"My favorite color is BLUE. My favorite food is CHEESE PITZA (from Aladdin's). I want to be a ROCKET BUILDER when I grow up, and then fly it to space!

On the first day of school the parents come with their child. 1/2 of the time is spent together, playing and letting the children explore and figure things out. Then the next 1/2 is for the kids to be with 1 of the teachers and the parents to learn more of the nuts and bolts of how things will run and what's expected from the other teacher. It's a lot of fun, and I love being able to take photos while he's playing with the new and exciting toys! The teachers chose a camping theme to get the year started. One of the rooms has 2 tents and all sorts of play camping equipment! 


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