Our First Year Homeschooling--how'd it go, cont...

So, after we made the decision to discontinue doing Classical Conversations as our homeschooling program I was a bit at a loss as to how to proceed. Thankfully, my mom is a teacher and especially loves kindergarten and 1st grade! After sharing my concerns with her she assured me that right now, in kindergarten, focusing on reading, writing and math were most important. And, so that's what we focused on, for the most part...

We learned that Cora not only LOVES math, but is quite good at it! She whipped quickly through K math and is now almost done with 1st grade (we're currently using Singapore Math, though will be changing that in the fall--stay tuned for what we do next year...). Geesh! I HATED math as a child, by the way...I have distinct memories of HATING math in 1st grade. Seriously. I mean, really, 1st grade math? However, she HATES handwriting...something I LOVED! As you can imagine this has been interesting. I've had to hold my temper (failing often. Just keepin' it real!) a lot while she fights me to write some letters and words--a 10 minute task she will EASILY turn into a 45 min job! But, math? Oh, we LOVE to do that! We'll whip right on through and get done 20 minutes of math in 10, and then BEG to do more! Sigh...I've had to not allow my dislike for math cloud her excitement for it. Anyway, I digress...

As the year went on I became more and more frustrated with the fact that we just weren't concentrating on reading like we needed to. Cora knows her letters, numbers, can write/copy words I have for her. I got a few lists of sight words, and she was learning those. She has also been doing lessons with an app on the iPad called "Reading Eggs." However, I still didn't/don't think this is enough. So, we bought a reading curriculum. WOW! Why did we not do this in the beginning???? I love it!!! Cora LOVES it!!!!! And, she has started reading, in a few short lessons. It's been amazing!!! I'm so annoyed at myself for not following my gut and doing this in the beginning. But! We have it now, it's working great, and we'll keep going strong throughout the summer.  We'll also finish up her math book, not because she really needs it, but because we don't want her to lose what she's already learned!

I've already starting buying what we need for 1st grade and Cora is SO EXCITED to get started! I love her zeal for learning, and I love that she loves school. I want it to stay that way, whether she's homeschooled, public or private schooled. I want her to always want to learn.

What will our year look like next year? Well...you'll have to come back next week to find out! Hee! Hee! Hee!


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