Vacation, Part 3

One afternoon (I think the same day we went to the museum) the sun came out in the afternoon but it was still chilly in the air, too cold to swim anyway, and the waves were pretty big due to the storm that day! But! I had planned ahead for such things and we got out the $3 kites I bought at Walgreens and taught the kids how to fly kites! They had so much fun with that!!! Ben was an immediate natural, we barely had to show him what to do; Cora was competitive, trying to keep hers higher then David's! She even tried to knock his kite out of the sky! And Bekah, was not interested, therefore David flew her "Dora" kite! It was fun, it was relaxing and kites are so pretty up against the blue sky!

We eventually let the kids wade in the water, which then turned in to Ben and Bekah "accidentally" falling down in the frigid water. Ah well! We were on vacation! Who cares, right?

I was determined to get some better sunset photos and the evening did not disappoint! It was nice and clear out and the Lord put on a spectacular show that night!


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