A Super-dee-duper Crazy Week!

Do you ever have weeks where it seems EVERYTHING is supposed to happen that week? That was last week for us!

The kids finished up session 1 of swim lessons. We had set a goal for Cora to graduate out of her current level of swimming. We knew she could do everything they were asking of her, it was just a mind-over-matter kind of situation. After 3 weeks of hard work, perseverance, and listening to her teachers, SHE DID IT!!!!! We're so proud of her! This was her 4th time though this level so it was extra great that she graduated! She is now a VERY proud Sunfish! And, unbeknownst to us, Ben was pretty much swimming with Cora in her class the whole time (even though enrolled in the class level below hers). So, when they handed me his evaluation paper for the session it said he had moved up too! We're very proud of him! Bekah stays where she is because she's not potty trained yet, and that's the requirement for her next level!

Along with swim lessons (in the morning), we were taking Cora and Ben up to our friends' church for vacation Bible school (in the evening). They do a fantastic job, we know several people in the church, our church doesn't do VBS so it only made sense! They had a BLAST! They had so much fun meeting other kids their age, playing fun games, learning about Jesus and everything else you do at VBS.  It was great to see them interact with other kids, and we know their teachers, which made it extra special!

With swimming and VBS the kids were not in bed before 9:00 all week. This is very late for our kids, who are usually in bed by 7! You can only imagine how attitudes got to be as the week progressed. But, we pressed on. David and I are enjoying this new part of life, where 2 out of 3 kids are able to do more and Bekah is quickly following. We knew it was going to be a late-night week, and they would be exhausted, but isn't that what summer is all about--doing things you don't normally do?

The Lord has blessed us richly. I was reminded last week to take one day at a time. We're not meant, asked, or required to do more than that. In fact, Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34, "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." This is such a good reminder for me. I have really been feeling the Holy Spirit reminding me of this often recently. I need to take captive every thought and not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will, or won't come, it's totally out of my control. I need to focus on today and live today to the best of my ability.


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