The kiddos

It's been a long time since I posted photos of the kids so I thought I would do that today with an update on them!

Cora is now 7! She has grown, not only in height, but also in maturity. It's been so fun to watch her interact with her siblings, starting to be the "teacher" for them. She's started to help out by making breakfast some mornings! Her specialties are toast, cereal and sausage! She's also growing in her faith in the Lord, which is so special. Cora is loving her Sunday School class at church and having lots of girls there her age. She recently got her ears pierced--she had to meet a goal of reading 10 books to get them pierced (I'll talk about that in a later post!), and I can't believe how grown up that makes her! At the end of August she'll be heading off to school to start 2nd grade. After visiting several private schools we decided on the public school for her to attend. No, we weren't expecting that, but God made it very clear to us that this was the right decision. I'm so excited for her to be with other kids her age and learn and grow in ways I can't do for her here at home. She is bursting with excitement herself!! Her school is close enough we'll be able to walk in the mornings!

Benjamin is our BIG 5 year old now!!!! I can't believe he'll be in Kindergarten this next school year! Ben will be participating in our church's nursery school 5s program, and then I'll supplement at home with reading, math and handwriting. While at school he'll finally get to continue his speech therapy, which we're all excited about--him included! Though he continues to improve with his speech, the therapy will be helpful in getting him over the edge! Ben has also taken a huge leap in maturity. And, probably the biggest event is his asking Jesus to live in his heart! We are so thankful he has chosen Christ. He, too, is loving his Sunday school class at church. He's made fast friends with the boys in his class. I love watching him with his peers. I also love seeing him grow in his faith and knowledge of Jesus. I can't wait for him get more involved at school. 5 always seems like a big year with lots of change. Oh, and he's anxious to loose his first tooth!

Rebekah is now 3!!! Ah, Boo! She is our spit-fire, full of spirit and love. She keeps us on our toes at all times. She loves all things girly--bows, dresses, getting her nails done. Bekah will be going 2 days a week to our church's nursery school. She is so very excited for this! Her speech is exploding, and she keeps us laughing with all her funny sayings and phrases, etc. Bekah is not afraid of anything (so it seems), and I'm often finding myself holding my breath as she tests her own abilities. I think she will be the cause of my gray hair!


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