A New Outlook

I've mentioned a couple of times that I'm taking some supplements which are helping with healing my gut and my insides. The hope is that as I heal inside this will lead to weight loss. What I love about this product is it is NOT primarily a weight loss product. It is a healing product. What am I taking? I'm taking Plexus , and taking 3 of their different products that are in the Triplex. Yes, I can sell it to others, yes I can make money from it, and yes, if this is something you would like to use I can help you in that! However, the money is NOT in any way, shape or form my reason for taking it. I'm taking it for health. I want to get healthy. I want to heal my gut in ways I can't with simple diet alone. I love Plexus! Why? Well, it's all natural. All of the ingredients are natural, from NATURE, from plants and the like. Not weird, synthetic (man-made) ingredients. There are no strange side affects that leave me wondering if I need to stop using it. The ingre...