In Christ Alone, My Solid Rock

I love the song "In Christ Alone/Solid Rock." It's 2 songs put beautifully together. It's so powerful. The words speak mightily of Christ's love for us. I was singing this song with a group of women on Wednesday at a Bible study I attend on (more on that in another post). This has been our theme song for the year. Usually, as we sing I think of all that Christ has done for me personally. I think of his power and what it is for me. However, this time I couldn't help but think of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are currently going through horrendous atrocities because they claim the name of Christ. I was moved to tears. The song ends with this, "No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand! 'Til He returns or calls me home, here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand!" Wow. Can I get an "amen!"?

We have all been hearing of the horrible things happening to Christians in China and most recently in the Middle East. The things these men, women and children are enduring are beyond my comprehension--power of hell and schemes of man for sure! I have NO IDEA what it is to be persecuted. I have no idea what it means to have to choose between my faith in Christ (which will probably lead to death), or choose an easy life. I. Don't. Know. And, unless you're one of those Christians, neither do you.

I'm going to talk to my brothers and sisters in the USA, Canada and Europe right now. We have no idea. Movies being made that are immoral (most recently I'm thinking of "50 Shades of Gray") are not persecution. Crude TV shows or commercials are not persecution. Immodest clothing is not persecution. Are these things annoying and sometimes an inconvenience? Sure. But, persecution they are not. And I'm sick and tired of people saying they are, or equating these things to persecution. They. Are. Not. No one is forcing us to watch movies or TV, and no one is forcing us to wear certain things. We have options. We can freely decide what we want to do, where we want to go, how we want to live.

I do not EVER sit in church on Sundays fearing that someone will come in and gun us down. I don't fear for my children who are at the other end of the building. I go to church, I worship, and I go home. Nothing bad happens save for the not-well-meaning old lady who has some ridiculous criticism. But, folks, this is not persecution.

My heart is so burdened for our brothers and sisters. I have no idea how to pray for them. I have no idea what they need for basic living or for encouragement. I have no idea what it means to be persecuted. I have no experience with it. However, I feel very compelled TO pray for them. In Romans 8:26 we're told that the Holy Spirit will pray for us to the Father when we don't have the words to say. We don't have to know what to say, we just need to pray.

How do I pray? Well, here's an example of one of my prayers. "Dear Father, I want to lift up the women and children to you today who are being raped and tortured because of you. Jesus, I have no idea what that is like. My children are safe in their beds. I'm with my husband, in our warm home. Jesus, whatever they need, food, water, warmth, relief from torture, whatever it is, please provide it. You promise to provide our needs for us. I don't know what their needs are short of food, water and shelter, so please use my prayers and provide what they need." I sometimes pray for the men, the husbands and wives who've been separated from each other, for the moms who will probably never see their children again this side of heaven. I truly just pray however I feel the Holy Spirit leading me. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and have no idea why, and I'll hear the Spirit say, "pray for my children." So I do. I pray, and I agonize for them. What must they be going through at that moment?

My friends, I tell you this, not because I think I'm great or wonderful, but to tell you it doesn't matter WHAT you say, we just need to pray for them. Lord willing, we won't ever truly know what they're dealing with, but you never know. Persecution in the Church is our history. It's there, it always has been. If people hated Jesus, the son of GOD, what's going to keep them from hating us? We need to lift up our brothers and sisters to our Lord. Listen to the Spirit. He'll help you know how to pray. And if nothing else you can always say, "Lord, I don't know what to say. Help them to know you love them right at this moment." Our prayers may not end the persecution, but I truly believe they will help according to God's plan.

Here is the song I referred to above. Listen and be encouraged.


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