Does He ALWAYS Hear?

Our youngest daughter aspirated a small piece of almond in early January. After arguing with the doctor for 4 weeks, we were finally sent to a pulmonologist who decided right away that, yes, she had aspirated a foreign object, and we found ourselves downtown at the large children's hospital that evening where Bekah underwent emergency surgery to have it removed. It was horribly scary and there were times when I just couldn't understand why we were in this situation. I was frustrated that I hadn't been listened to, and was upset that my daughter was lying in front of me with a ventilator tube down her throat. Well, all went well, and we were barely in the hospital 24 hrs. However, due to the severe trauma, swelling and overall yuckiness in her left lung, the ENT (ears, nose, throat) surgeon thought it best to let her lung heal for a month, and then go back in to be sure everything was healed as it should be. We did that yesterday. Everything went perfectly, her lungs are totally healed, there is absolutely NO scar tissue and well, everyone couldn't be happier. We are so thankful!!! God healed her lungs and healed her body and this whole thing is thankfully behind us!

We had asked people to pray that this would be the outcome, and we are so thankful for those prayers--there is great power in the prayers of many. Several folks commented that "God had heard our prayers." This caused me to think. Did God hear only these prayers, and if things had turned out differently, does that mean he didn't hear our prayers? I have to say a resounding "no!" I grew up being taught that God ALWAYS hears our prayers, and ALWAYS answers them. The answer is going to be 1 of 3 things: yes, no, or wait awhile. But, God does hear, and he does answer.

Even though things turned out the way we had asked God to have them turn out, I was stopped in my thoughts and had to ask myself, "if God had had things go differently, would I still think he was faithful? Would I still say he had answered our prayers? Would I still think he loved me?" I would like to say that, of course! Of course, He's still faithful, and he still loves me, and he heard my prayers. My logical self knows that God is ALWAYS faithful and ALWAYS hears our prayers and ALWAYS loves us. But, my mommy-heart and emotions would probably have a much harder time coming around to this conclusion.

I have to admit it drives me a little nuts when I hear people say, "oh great! God answered our prayers!" or "oh yeah! God heard us!" because I believe this misleads others and ourselves into thinking if things don't go the way we expect or pray that God must not be listening or answering. I will never say I understand the ways of the Lord. There have been plenty of times my prayers were answered with a resounding NO, or a very clear WAIT A BIT! And, though I was disappointed, and sometimes really hurt or upset, I have always known he heard me and for whatever reason (because let's face it, God often doesn't explain himself) have trusted that He knows best.

So, I want to say, let's take our faith that much deeper and rejoice not only when our prayers are answered the way we were hoping but also rejoice when they're not. I think rejoicing in the sadness or disappointment takes our faith in God that much deeper. Let us never forget that God hears us, and he answers us. We just might not always agree with his answers!

I am so thankful that in this situation the Lord saw fit to spare Bekah's life and fully heal her. I can't fathom our family without her and there were moments in the PICU that I would look at her and plead with the Lord to please spare her life, knowing full well that he might not. If you're dealing with something difficult right now please be encouraged that God does hear you and loves you and wants only the best for you. He doesn't want us to stop talking to him but he does want us to trust him to know what is best for our lives.


  1. Daniel 3:17-18 comes to mind. (your hubby)


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