Worship Wednesday
With all the anxiety and sleep issues I've been having I've been turning to music a lot more than I usually do. Music has always been soothing to me. And by music I mean Christian music--hymns, contemporary songs, instrumental, etc. I love it. I always have and when things are hard I find myself turning even more to music. I have a Pandora station set to calm music and have been listening to it a lot. God speaks to me a lot through the music of others, and that includes the Bible. The book of Psalms is the Bible's hymnbook. I have found it helpful to have the Psalms open and my music going. This keeps my mind on things that matter. Helps me keep my mind from wandering to places that aren't helpful. My friend shared this song with me, and I about cried when I listened/watched it. It spoke to me in ways that I needed. I felt the artist wrote down my thoughts and words, things I've been trying to get out. I also love the visual the video gives. Watch/listen to this...