The END--Our First Year Homeschooling--how'd it go?
I have droned on and on about our homeschooling experience this past school year so now it's time to put down on "paper" what we'll be doing next year! I'm really excited for next year. 1) I feel I have a much better idea as to what is/isn't working for our family and 2) I really enjoy teaching Cora! Also, Ben will begin preschool and be gone in the morning 3 days a week, and Rebekah will be older and hopefully more entertained with paper and crayons! We shall see...I'm sure I'll have more to say on that LATER! One thing I have learned is there is really no ONE curriculum that covers every single subject you need. There are a few that will provide every subject for you, but they tend to be quite pricy and they're just pulling from other resources anyway. It's taken time to look at and research what we wanted to use. If you're new at this I would suggest reading Cathy Duffy's description of the different approaches to homeschooling...