In Christ Alone, My Solid Rock
I love the song "In Christ Alone/Solid Rock." It's 2 songs put beautifully together. It's so powerful. The words speak mightily of Christ's love for us. I was singing this song with a group of women on Wednesday at a Bible study I attend on (more on that in another post). This has been our theme song for the year. Usually, as we sing I think of all that Christ has done for me personally. I think of his power and what it is for me. However, this time I couldn't help but think of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are currently going through horrendous atrocities because they claim the name of Christ. I was moved to tears. The song ends with this, "No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand! 'Til He returns or calls me home, here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand!" Wow. Can I get an "amen!"? We have all been hearing of the horrible things happening to Christians in China and most recently in the Mi...