Week One = done!

We started school last week! We started promptly at 8:15 on Monday morning and worked diligently for a few hours with a break at one point. Cora is doing a fantastic job! Every single day last week she said, "Mom? Is there anything else I can do? I want to do more school! Mom! Give me more school work to do! Can't I keep doing school?" Phew! She was wearing me out, however, I appreciate her love of learning. I know it won't always be this way, but I finally gave in, and we are a good week ahead in most of the subjects. Granted, math, for example, is all review so she's zipping right through that. I love this about homeschooling: you can go at your own pace. If your child is grasping something there's no need to spend days/weeks on it, you can simply move on! I love it. We don't have to wait for 28 other kids to get the concept. We can just move on . And, if there's something we want, or need, to spend extra time on, well, we can! Ben and Bekah are ...